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Win Sidetrip Travel Magazine 1 yr Subscription!

Do you love travel? Do you want to know about the latest buzz on travel and places? Then here is your chance to win 1 year subscription of Sidetrip Travel Magazine from Thurderbird Resorts and Fiesta Casino.

All you have to do is invite friends to LIKE Thunderbird Resorts and Fiesta Casino and then email them with the proof of how you’ve done it (photos, screengrabs, etc.) and how many friends you’ve recruited. Send it to tbrphilippines@gmail.com

Thunderbird Resorts is a resort which showcases the elegance of modern living and the comfy of the Philippines. It has two integrated luxury resort venues in the highland oasis of Rizal and in the Mediterranean-inspired peninsula of Poro Point, you can live your dream – and live it spectacularly.

Join now and get that a cool 1 year supply of Sidetrip Travel Magazine for FREE.

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  1. The winners had been announced :)


    For his campaign efforts and support to Thunderbird Resorts promos,
    we award the Overnight Stay for two at Thunderbird Resorts Rizal plus 1yr Sidetrip Magazine Subscription to Resly George Amador. Congratulations!

    Of course, here's a Free Day Tour for Two at Thunderbird Resorts Rizal plus 1yr Sidetrip Magazine Subscription to those who went their way and participated and shared our promos:

    David D' Angelo
    Aubrey Ilagan
    Myra Ann Pangan

    One year Sidetrip Magazine Subscription goes to the chosen contest participants and active followers of Thunderbird Resorts and Fiesta Casino.
    Maricar Losantas
    Stephen John Federico
    Rissa Piano
    Jayson Biadog
    Wilbern David
    Melo Villareal
    Emily Diaz Bona
    Heidi Lalican
    Sherwin Winsher
    Dianne Mendoza
    Rizza Guinigundo
