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Globe Telecom application is disappointing and inefficient

I was disappointed and my time wasted after following up my Globe Telecom postpaid application today.  I went to the Cyberzone Globe Business Center only to find out that my application is denied and they need one additional government ID, that is after they told me that I will receive feedback after 3-5 days on its status.  I received no feedback until I went to the center and the reason for the problem was even conflicting.

When I arrived at 2pm to follow up my application they assisted me and ask me the name of the person that had processed it.  Well, I am not keen at remembering people so I forget the person.  After about 10 minutes the person came back and asked for other IDs since they told me the IDs I presented (Postal ID and Company ID) was not valid and they need another one.  They even told me that it is just to be processed during that day.  Wow!  That was after 8 days already with no feedback!

Though I have SSS and TIN, I do not have an ID of them yet.  If I had just received a feedback earlier I could have allocated time on my busy schedule to process this but since the person who assisted me before, “Mario” told me that everything was in order.

Later on Mario did arrived and assisted me and the first reason he told me was that there is a discrepancy in signature.  He also told me that generally the feedback would come 1-2 days after my application.  After that he told me that the “credit facilitator” needs another government ID and Postal ID was not considered as such.  Well, if that is the case then there is no use for a postal ID, it costs more than 300 pesos and yet is not considered as valid.
I demanded to ask why I was not contacted earlier and Mario told me that it was the admin who are supposed to contact me.  No valid reason was given why it tool so long before informing me of the status of my application.

I asked Mario if I could talk to the admin again or to the person in charge of the business center but surprisingly they are all in break.  Wow!  I must have come at the wrong time then or are they not prepared to answer for a malfunction of service to their clients?

It is so disappointing because of the lack of communication and there was no recourse for customers like me to compensate for lost time and effort if I fall a victim to such an inefficiency.  Globe Telecom should at least do something about this things.  My plan is only a P499 postpaid plan with Lennovo phone under a non-unlimited suft, non-unlimited text and call plan (well they do not have unlimited that’s it).

So now, I am frustrated simply because I wasted time when in fact this could have been communicated earlier by Globe Telecom.  This is really a very disappointing case.  So with no phone and with lost time, consumers like me just have to go home and bear with it.

I will try to apply offline and see the difference.  My friends told me that is is easier to applied for Globe Telecom postpaid line online and will share you my experience and the difference.

Do you have any similar stories or problems?  Share it with us.

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  1. That's quite disappointing. Especially the part that they didn't gave a call to inform you to have some IDs more. If they value their customers, they should have been do the things in order not avoiding the customer instead.

  2. When I asked for the manager or head, Mario said THEY ARE CURRENTLY HAVING A BREAK... perhaps have a break, have a kitkat? This is really very disappointing and it took me 1 1/2 hours just for this.

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