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Familoop and how to protect your child's online and mobile activities

In today's world of social media and mobile communications your child is vulnerable to various threats both online, offline and even on mobile.  Issues such as cyber bullying, pornography, gambling, sexting, online offenders and more are increasingly rampant.  How can you protect your child from online harm and mobile dangers?  Familoop, an online software can probably help you with that.
"Familoop Safeguard is a new-generation parental control software designed by parents, for parents. It helps you get to know your kid’s digital self and establish the most complete protection in the often unsafe online world," so they say but can they actually do that?

Who is behind Familoop Safeguard?  Familoop team is a group of consumer software professionals with roots in industry-leading software companies, including Acronis, Parallels, and Kaspersky Labs. In 2012 we started the project that became Familoop. In the early 2014 a public beta was released.  

"We believe Familoop Safeguard will make difference in online safety for kids and allow parents worldwide to establish the best protection ever for those they care about most," says Elena Haidukova, Business Development Manager of Familoop.

I have explored the system and honestly I would say this one is definitely a genuine, 100% protection for your children in the sense that you can monitor your child's activities including where he goes, to who he talks to, what activities he does online and even blocks certain sites that you deem as inappropriate.

As a single dad, I have never used parental control software online because i believe that if you are a parent who has an open communication with your children parental control may no longer be needed since they will automatically know what is right and wrong.  I know that in some part my kids would have browsed pornographic sites and encounter them but I have seen them mature enough to react properly on them.

However, not all situations would be similar to what I encounter and this is where Familoop Safeguard comes in the picture.  Although, I see that totally snooping on a child's activity seems like an invasion of your children's privacy at some point and in this age it might seem necessary specially if your child is a minor.  You will never know if someone is already preying on your kid.

Installation of Familoop safeguard is easy and simple.  Just download the FREE 10-day trial at https://www.familoop.com/#overview and follow the instructions.  An e-mail will be sent for confirmation and then you are ready to go.  There is no big technical know-how to install the software all you have to do is just follow the instructions.

Once Familopp Safeguard is downloaded and installed, you will be presented with a very easy instruction.  Even the dashboard and the interface is really very user friendly.  

So what can Familoop Safeguard do?

Filtering & Blocking
  • Website Filtering & Blocking
  • Social Network Blocking
  • Intstant Messages/Chat Blocking
  • Online Search Filtering
  • Application Blocking
  • Game limits
  • Sceentime limits
  • Calls & Messages Blocking
Supervision Capabilities
  • Web Sites Visited
  • Online Searches
  • Usernames & Passwords
  • Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, MySpace, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Badoo,
  • AIM)
  • Email (Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Hotspot)
  • Chats/ Messengers (Skype, Yahoo! Messenger, Hangouts)
  • Video Sharing Web Sites (YouTube, Vimeo)
  • Photo Sharing Web Sites (Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr)
  • Comments on Web Sites
  • Virtual words
  • Phone Calls
  • Text Messages
  • Location Tracking
  • Apps Used
  • Device Time
Installation & Management
  • Web Dashboard
  • Remote Management
  • Age-based templates of protection rules
  • Customizable protection rules
  • Need to install an agent on kid’s device
  • Multiple Users & Devices
  • Activity Reports
  • Emergency Alerts
  • Actionable Insights & Parenting Advices
  • Trusted VIP contacts
Familoop Safeguard is already compatible with all Windows including Windows 8, Mac OS, Android and soon on iOS.

I would say that this parental guard software is very revolutionary and worth trying out for a total protection for your children.  Just experience the software through the 10-day free trial and if you like it purchase it.

Remember that prevention is better than cure thus preventing something from happening to your child is better than finding out how bad things have happened when it happens already.  This is the best chance to get this software since they are currently on the launching stage and you will just pay 10% of the original price.

Has anyone tried Familoop as well?  Tell us about your experience and comments.

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